We are part of the Universe which is energy, All we need to do is contact this ancient energy to communicate with the ancient knowledge.
Psychic abilities aka Extra Sensory Perception:
Any perception beyond our regular senses. Is the awareness of information about events external to the psychic that are not gained through the senses and not deducible from previous experience.
Clair has the meaning of being Clear.
Is psychic knowledge through the physical sense of smell. A person who accesses this is known as Clairalient
Is psychic knowledge through the physical sense of hearing/listening from spirit guides, angels, deceased persons that is normally inaudible. A person who accesses this is known as Clairaudient.
Is psychic knowledge through the psychic sense of knowing through communication with spirit guides, angels, deceased and/or Divine power. A person who accesses this is known as Claircognizant or Medium, Channeler.
Is psychic knowledge through sensing/feeling emotions from natural and beyond natural realms. To sense the needs, drives and emotions of another. A person who accesses this is known as an Empathic. Empathy-
Is psychic knowledge through taste without putting anything in one's mouth. A person who accesses this is known as Clairgustient.
Is the ability for a person to acquire psychic knowledge by means of feeling, sensations or aromas. A person who accesses this is known as Clairscentient. Psychometry is related to clairsentience. The word stems from psyche and metric, which means "soul-measuring".
Is the ability for a person to touch beyond the physical. A person who accesses this is known as Clairtangenient.
Is the ability for a person to see visions of that which is hidden or far away. Perception outside the known human senses. It is used to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known senses. It is not Precognition, but closer to Remote Viewing. A person who accesses this is known as Clairvoyant.
Types of Visions and Psychics:
Death warning:
A vision of a living person prior to his or her death.
Deja Vu:
A vision of a possible future.
Divine intervention:
Spontaneous spiritual visions that can guide and direct the seer.
Ghost Whisperer:
The insights into the afterlife of a ghost whisperer reveal multiple dimensions and planes that house various parts of the Spirit World.
Lucid Dreaming:
The ability to wake up inside a dream and experience an alternate reality. Can be similar to Astral Projection.
A psychic who connects with and acts as a communication conduit for spirits in the after life and/or guiding entities such as angels.
An initiate of the secret teachings of the ancients. One who believes in the existence of paranormal or metaphysical reality.
A person or system who divines the future. A mystic or psychic can be an oracle.
Pet Psychic:
Many psychics will use the psychic ability of animals to communicate on animal welfare.
Knowledge or awareness of the future, obtained through extra sensory perceptions
Extra Sensory Perception ESP
Psychic Medium:
A person with extra sensory perception who acts as a channel or conduit in communication with guides, angels, spirits or those that have passed on.
Communication with the unseen worlds:
The ability to act as a channel or vessel for an outside intelligence, for example; JZ Knight: The 35,000-year-old man named Ramtha or Sylvia Brown
Combat Sense:
Is a martial art of sensing what a combatant’s next move will be. My Son is a Marine and he had this when overseas in Afghanistan.
Direct Voice:
A spirit draws out ectoplasm from a medium and creates and artificial voice box. The spirit concentrates its energies through this voice box and speaks in its own voice through the medium. I have never seen this happen, but I have seen ectoplasm message on walls.
Gaining insight into a situation while using divination tools or psychic ability. I use this during my Consultations.
A socially accepted term for psychic awareness. The meaning of the two words In and Tuition are interesting. IN comes from Middle English and Latin origin meaning SEE. And Tuition from Middle English and Latin meaning Protection. So intuition really means see protection or protective sight. Next time you act on your intuition you can say you are acting upon your protective sight!
Seeing intuitively.
The practice of relaxing and focusing the mind and invoking the guidance of the Higher Power.
Psychic ability while in a hypnotic trance. During this time of my Channeling I have had this experience but I do not remember what I said until my clients start telling me then I am able to tap into the information again for more clarity.
Psychic Journaling:
A way of listened to your own inner voice. In the beginning it won't make sense but practice makes perfect.
Is a person who has the psychic sense of touch, they will obtain intuitive impressions and information by holding or otherwise connecting with an object, photograph or person. I think this is my favorite way of doing consultations, I am able to gleam the past, I have been able to see back to the 1800s and would be interesting to see farther.
Remote Viewing:
Is the ability for the Receiver/Viewer to see/hear what the subject can see/hear in a location that the Receiver has not been to. I have not met anyone that has shown this gift yet.
Ability to see the past by touching an object that HAD to do with the event. This is the same as Psychometry in my book.
Sciomancy aka Sciamancy:
The ability to communicate with spirits in a channeling session. Spirits have different ways of communicating, My Step Mother, Father and Sister all communicate differently but I am able to communicate either way when needing or wanting.
Is using extra sensory perception for communication between minds over distance or though any barrier obstructing recognition from normal sight, speech or reading body language.
A spirit superimposes its face on the medium's face, and those in the room can see the visible characteristics of a deceased person's face.
Xenoglossy aka ‘Foreign-Tongue’:
Is when a medium is in communication with the spirit of a dead person who speaks another language.
Zen Mind:
Is an ideal state of mind for developing psychic awareness.
Psychic Healing:
Energetic Healing:
A psychic ability to clear, repair and balance the body's energy systems by seeing and manipulating the aura. For example Reiki.
Energy medicine:
Healing by channeling a form of energy.
Mind over Body:
Suppressing or mentally satisfying the need for water, food, or sleep which is usually done by monks, yogis, mystics, etc. they are not generally called "psychics" but has a relationship with Divine Energy for communication.
Psychic Healing:
Is an ability to sense illness in a person and heal them, normally while in a trance.
Psychic Surgery:
Removal of diseased body tissue via an incision that heals immediately after wards.
The practitioner acts as channels for Reiki energy. Rei meaning God or Higher Power and Ki which is Life Force Energy. In Japanese the term Reiki translates to Ghostly Power.
White Light:
A method in meditation of cleaning one's aura.
Miscellaneous psychic capabilities involving your body and/or soul:
Astral projection or Mental projection:
An out of body experience in which an astral body becomes separate from the physical body.
Bilocation or multilocation:
Being in multiple places at the same time.
Is the ability to move from normal to paranormal dimensions and return at will.
Out of Body Experience aka OBE:
The ability to float outside of one's body and, in some cases, seeing one's physical body from outside oneself. Can be done through lucid dreaming/astral projection/ near death experience.
Miscellaneous Psychic Activities involving objects:
Materialization, disappearance, or teleportation of an object.
Objects, people, and animals are lifted into the air without any visibly physical means and float or fly about.
Psychokinesis or Telekinesis:
Manipulation of matter or energy by the power of the mind.
Is the ability to start and control fires with the mind.
The ability to move objects with your mind.
Bodily levitation or flying.
Reference: Wikipedia, Psychic Junkie, People/Voices from beyond